Monday 13 December 2010


Hello everyone! Just wanted to say I have arrived in Holland. We started rehearsals today around 9am with the CanCan! Great way to start your day! We managed to get through 3 numbers and have had a costume fitting as well. We are staying in Hengelo, about 2 hrs on the train from Amsterdam. The hotel is really nice, good area around with shops, places to eat etc. I will be keeping an in depth journal here. Already on my first day there are so many things to write about I am a bit lost where to start.

Interesting conversations with other dancers have already emerged, which I will eventually blog about. One of which raised the subject of the fact that dancers do not really have a voice- we go through the dance captain or choreographer to get heard. It was interesting as it was something I was going to inquire about.

There is a mixture of girls who have worked for a long time with new girls just starting out in the cast. It is funny how people have made connections with eachother as well. For example, one girl is the sister of a dancer I worked with on a promotion and she is about to work with Belinda King in January so we have had a lot to talk about. It has been funny to see how the newer girls in the industry are looking up to people such as myself for advice and they have reminded me of myself starting out- nervous, naieve, young, unsure.

Anyway, it has been a long couple of days. I will start blogging about everything later in the week as well as start my assesment piece too!!


  1. Good to hear from you Laura. Interesting points about 'voice' and the social learning that is a part of a dancer's life.

  2. Hi Laura,
    Sounds like it was a great start to Holland! How did the rest of the contract go? Hope you enjoyed it. I'd never thought about the fact that we as 'dancers' don't really have a voice - it's a really interseting point. I wander if this is a negative?
    Hope you're well.
