Wednesday 1 December 2010

Success in response to Emma Burkett

"Self trust is the first secret of success,the belief that is you are here the authorities of the universe put you here, and for cause, or with some task strictly appointed you in constitution, and so long as you work as that you are well and successful"

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–1882), U.S. essayist, poet, philosopher. "Success," Society and Solitude (1870)

I found Emma's blog on success food for thought. As I
was not there on the induction day I was unaware that this
question was raised by Alan. I agree with Emma that each
person will define success very differently as each of us have
different things that motivate us. I do not think there is any right or wrong in defining success. Some of us might be motivated by financial success, some by making a big impact on others, some by relationship or emotional success. Everyone has their own individual idea of what success is. To find this out we might look at the following:
- What are your values in life?
- What are your goals and ambitions?
- What are your strengths and weaknesses?
- What is most important to you?

To me success in my career is managing to stay employed, which as a dancer is very hard. I feel that I am successful when I land a contract for the next week, month, year. When I am out of work I am constantly auditioning and striving to achieve the next contract (the next success). I could view myself as unsuccessful in the sense that when I was younger I wanted to be a ballet dancer. However I feel as you grow up your goals and ambitions change. As Emma points out "success is what you believe you are capable of achieving" (Emma Burkett, BAPP Blog, 2010). I always wanted to dance professionally and I have been blessed to do that. My goal may have changed from "ballet dancer" to "dancer" but to me I have been successful in a dance career over the past 5 years.
Now success in my future career would be to keep dancing for a long as possible and to go as far as I can with it. There are still some shows I would love to dance in and companies I would like to audition for. I was to obtain my Degree in Dance and then make a switch into a managerial role or something still within the theatre/performing arts.
Then there is also personal success. What is really important to me aside from my career is family and to be married and have children. I am getting married next year to the man of my dreams so I feel huge success in that sense. I may have to adjust my career definition of success as family comes first. As Ralph Waldo Emerson points out "self trust is the first secret to success". I think you have to believe in yourself, be confident and go out there and try to reach your goals.
Success is a journey as as Emma points out some experiences we may view as bad will help build another. As different points in your life your definition of success will change.

What is your definition of success?

1 comment:

  1. "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm" ~Winston Churchill

    I like this quote and In our business this is the outlook on success that we need.

    Stacey x
