Monday 11 October 2010

My thoughts on Blogging

So far this course has introduced me to a new world of Blogging!  Before starting BAPP I had never blogged before- what would I write about? I had heard of the new phenomenon "Twitter" and honestly thought to myself “don’t people have anything better to do with their time?", "why don’t they just tell someone their thoughts and ideas". BAPP is showing me how blogging can be an effective way to promote yourself and network with other professionals. You can choose who you follow and edit what you want people to see. At first I found the idea of creating a Blog quite daunting but it is proving to be an effective way to communicate thoughts and ideas and be able to comment and learn from other people’s ideas as well. I have now worked out how to use Google Reader to search and add new people to follow (much easier than how I first started with having to keep adding people one by one!) But of course this search only works if your Blog is public, which I understand some of you might want to keep it private. I get updates on the people I am following so I can view what you have recently posted and keep up-to-date. In relation to my own professional practice I think Blogging, when managed properly can be a positive way to promote you even more. That if a future employer searched my name and a professional blog came up that they would have access to CV, photos, videos and possibly learn more about me.

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